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If you are responding to someone asking for help who
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Steve Carter wrote:
> There's a Linksys EPSX3 EtherFast 3-port 10/100 Print Server
> at $117
> Perhaps someone has experience with print server models besides
> the HP170x and the Digi 3400x and the built-in SMC.
I have (at the moment unused) a Linksys EPSX3. I worked without fault on OS/2 once it was set up.
Setup has to be done by a Win machine. Because of that setup "feature" I'll be selling it as soon as
I get the time to get my second SMC 7004ABR working as a print server. (I think I mentioned I bought
the 7004ABR because at $50 ($99 less a $50 mail in rebate) it is the least costly print server with
browser setup and I get a "free" four port hub to boot. The WAN/firewall part will simply go unused.)
BTW, The ABR version has auto sensing so one does not need a cross over cable to connect it to another
hub/switch. I did try that to see if it really worked. It does.
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