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Date: Thu, 11 Oct 2001 21:45:30 PDT
From: Michael Rakijas < >
Subject: SCOUG-Help: TCP/IP Printserver search

Content Type: text/plain

If you are responding to someone asking for help who
may not be a member of this list, be sure to use the
REPLY TO ALL feature of your email program.

** Reply to note from Thu, 11 Oct 2001 18:10:10 PDT


> There's a Linksys EPSX3 EtherFast 3-port 10/100 Print Server
> at $117

If you're an absolute OS/2 purist, you may have a hard time with the
LinkSys. I played with Sheridan's for awhile and there are at least a
few gotchas with the LinkSys. If I remember correctly, it comes
configured at IP address (Assuming your network isn't
configured around the 10.0.0.X subnet...) You can probably temporarily
change the IP address of the machine you want to configure it at (or
fool with subnet masks, I don't know enough) and get access to the
machine to configure it to the address you want, but I was somewhat
unsure of myself so I didn't try this route. I went to the Winbox on my
network and used the configuration software included. I intended to see
what the software did there, supplement it with the UNIX instructions
provided and see if I could figure out how to do it under OS/2. Well,
the Windows software requires the IPX/SPX protocol (Netware) to initiate
the connection with the server which put it beyond my ability to reverse
engineer. The UNIX instructions didn't have enough information (or it
didn't quite work the same under OS/2) for me to get it working under
OS/2. I just thought it worthwhile to mention to warn everyone.

> There's a Linksys EFSP42, Etherfast 10/100BT, 2-Port Print Server
> at $126 (see, there is a 2-port model!)

The reason this is more expensive with one fewer port is that this is a
switch rather than the hub that the EPSX3 is.



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