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Date: Sat, 6 Oct 2001 21:15:49 PDT
From: Michael Rakijas < >
Subject: SCOUG-Help: Realtek 8139 anyone?

Content Type: text/plain

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** Reply to note from Sat, 6 Oct 2001 17:12:28 PDT

> Date: Sat, 6 Oct 2001 17:12:28 PDT
> From: Steve Carter
> To:
> Subject: SCOUG-Help: Realtek 8139 anyone?
> A quick search revealed:
> URL:

Returns 404 Not Found

> file:

No response to pings at

> HTH....
> +++++++++++
> On 10/6/01, Michael Rakijas wrote, in part:
> >Is anybody out there using a Realtek 8139 based network card
> >successfully under OS/2? One example is the DLink 530TX+, of which I

I thought I had the right driver because I downloaded one directly from
Realtek's site. The URL I used is

with which an additional annoyance was that it takes Win9X to unpack

I'm more interested in your other comments since this is the only driver
I got to try. I got so used to downloading drivers off the net that I
didn't bother with the included driver diskette. The problem is that
DLink doesn't apparently care to include an OS/2 driver in their
downloadable driver file any longer even though the CONTENTS.TXT in the
file lists it as enclosed (it made think the driver diskette was the
same way). That's what sent me hunting for drivers.

> Good news. I'm using a Realtek 8139-based no-name
> card under both OS/2 and Windows. Your OS/2 drivers
> _may_ have a 1-character bug in the text setup.

I presume in the .NIF file then? In the Realtek driver? or the DLink
driver? or for the other branded card you have?

> Mine did. I fixed it and they installed.

Do tell, do tell.

> The clue was a text compare with the generic Realtek drivers
> I found on the web. I didn't really need the ones on the
> floppy. They were identical except for a name change, and that
> was what had the miniscule error that caused the install problem.

I'll be tring the one on the DLink floppy (included with the card) now
that, lo and behold, the NDIS2\OS2 driver is there. I'll await your
comments, however.

> [It's birthday dinner night, so I'm off for spicy tuna rolls.
> I'll research what I can when I get back, probably late. ]

You too? Oct. 6th? Me too. I had home made Chicken Kiev, an old
favorite of mine ... with the kids, it's easier than going out. Happy

No rush, but I'm really interested in your experience. Thanks in



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