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>>In the process, I had to change my existing C: to something else, and
>>that made System Commander unavailable. So now I can use Boot Manager,
>That should not have happened. SC knows nothing about LVM. I assume
>that you had SC installed on a FAT formatted primary partition which the
>BIOS sees as drive C:. This should not have change, but I will leave it
>to those that actually use SC to vouch for this.
I'm not sure I understand how LVM really works. System Commander has to be
on a C: primary partition, either Fat or Fat-32. When I changed my E:
partition to C:, I had to change my C: partition to G: to make it
available to LVM. Now, SC can't seem to find itself. I don't know what the
BIOS sees. Is there a way to check?
>>eCS seems to boot up and run, but my system sounds are screwed up. That
>>is, they keep repeating in a continuous manner. I can try and trouble
>This sounds like an interrupt conflict. Should be easy to resolve.
Steven, can you be more specific. With PCI cards, how do I diagnose and
resolve an interrupt conflict?
Thanks very much,
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