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If you are responding to someone asking for help who
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To answer your specific question: When using VISPROREXX you can save the
resulting/created program as a standard REXX file, or as a "so-called"
executable file with an *.EXE extension.
1. If I save it as a REXX file, I have to include the resulting *.DLL
file in the distribution for others to run it.
2. If I save it as an *.EXE file, it's all self contained. You need
nothing but that file.
I know that the VISPROREXX REXX file version and the *.EXE version will
both run under Object REXX with no problem, because that's what I use. I
also know that, when I switch to Classical REXX, I have to resave the
*.EXE version under Classical REXX in order for it to run there. I do
not know what the problem is, but the *.EXE file apparently recognizes
some differences between CREXX and OREXX.
I don't know what happens, if I save the VISPROREXX REXX file version
under OREXX and then someone else wants to use it under CREXX. I have
not tried that. I perfer using the *.EXE version.
On another note I keep wavering between writing a commandline REXX
program for the Back Again/2000 commandline, or writing a VISPROREXX
program for it. I would prefer a commandline REXX program with a text
user-response prompt interface. Given that we are ultimately using the
Back Again/2000 commandline, I believe that a simple REXX program
interface to it would be more appropriate, compared to the VISPROREXX
GUI program. However, I want the simple REXX program to be just that,
SIMPLE, but also generic enough to be useful to all.
I'm undecided and working alternately on both!
"J. R. Fox" wrote:
> =====================================================
> If you are responding to someone asking for help who
> may not be a member of this list, be sure to use the
> REPLY TO ALL feature of your email program.
> =====================================================
> HCM wrote:
> > Just to let you know. I'm still working on that more generic REXX
> > script. The project is now a little bigger. I plan to make it a
> > VISPROREXX program with a graphical user interface.
> I was going to ask how compatible that version is with the other two, but it
> sounds like the result compiles into a self-contained program that the user
> would just run ?
> Jordan
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