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Steven replied to me:
> You need to verify that this is a problem for all applications. NS4.61 is
> notorious for non-optimal function implementation, especially tables.
I'll do that after I get back from this latest trip, and let you know. But I believe the
problem is not limited to printing from 4.61.
> >Ideas ?
Have always had " /IRQ ". I'll see what Mozilla does in the eCS partition, as soon as I
get the chance. Mozilla has other print-related problems (having to do with scattered page
elements, most of which seem to want to print separately in many cases, which makes no
sense at all), which I mentioned in a post not too long ago.
Perhaps UNIMAINT really has not been sufficient in overseeing the health of the W4
partition all this time, and the system has accumulated various problems that require a
more comprehensive flushing out. So I may have to give one or both of those other two
utilities a whirl.
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