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Date: Mon, 9 Dec 2002 20:43:13 PST7
From: (Sandy Shapiro)
Subject: SCOUG-Help: LVM anxieties

If you are responding to someone asking for help who
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>What you are really asking is how to get LVM and System Commander to

Yes, I am beginning to realize that. Before, they got along so well that I
took them for granted, but adding a third hard drive screws everything up.

I can get into eCS by removing and reinstalling boot manager, but that
disables SC. If I reenable SC, I can only use boot manager to boot into
DOS -- it loses and can no longer find eCS!

>>System Commander lets me boot into each operating system. But I can only
>>access eCs from System Commander by going first into Boot Manager. (If I
>>try to boot directly into eCS I get an error message half way thru the
>>boot process "Unable to operate your hard disk.")

>This makes sense since BM tells the kernel which volume letter it is
>booting from. SC does not do this. If the LVM volume letter and the
>physical drive letter are the same, the boot should not fail.

That makes sense. When I had eCS on Drive C, there were no conflicts. Now
that I have it on Drive E, I need Boot Manager. Since I added the third
drive, I must have changed drive letters. However, using LVM to change the
volume letter does not work because the system can no longer find
E:\os2\country.sys, etc.

At least I am getting more experience with LVM and I am not so scared of
it now. If I put eCS on my main system, I would likely have to give up SC
and rely on Boot Manager. One advantage of SC is that I sometimes like to
have two "C" partitions on the first drive, and SC will boot into either
one and show the hidden one mapped under a different drive letter. Also
with SC, one has a choice of booting from a floppy without having to
change the system BIOS.

Anyhow, thanks for the short, but comprehensive tutorial. It helped a lot.



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