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My LinkSys Cable/DSL Router with 4 port switch, has a bad port. But three
of the four ports still work fine. And the connection to the DSL modem is
I have a RMA number for it from Linksys -- it is still in warranty. But I
don't want to give it up while they check it out -- I'm too dependent on
it with two computers (sometimes three) on line at the same time.
With prices dropping, I think I will wait and pick up a second one before
sending it back. Then when this one comes back, I will have a spare.
So my question is this:
Should I get another Linksys, or is there another brand that is better?
I would appreciate knowing what experience others who use OS/2 have had
with this kind of product. Originally Linksys was the most popular, but I
suspect there are other brands available now.
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