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The snap-shut plastic doohickey is designed to hold your
black or photo cartridge while the other is in the printer
-- they fit in the same position.
It's intended to keep an already-opened cartridge from drying
out while not installed in the printer.
I'm using mine now to hold a photo cartridge removed so that
I could go back to the dark black cartridge (for text) instead
of the lighter gray-black of the photo cartridge.
Of course, every time I change cartridges I have to re-align
the print-head, so I try not to do it too often.
I wish I could get the photo color results that I've seen Tony
show us. My wife is anxious to print pictures she's taken
with her new digital camera. Maybe I need to try more/different
kinds of paper.
On 1/03/02, Jordan Fox wrote, in part:
> ... I am also wondering what is the snap-shut plastic doohickey
>that was included among the parts inside the box for the C20 ?
>It has a sticker on the front showing an ink cartridge being
>placed into it, has holes and an open area at the bottom,
>but seems too large to fit inside the works of this printer.
>This item is nowhere referenced in the C20 manual,
>or the .PDF files on the cd.
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