> The SMC 7004ABR is available for only $70 and has a lifetime warranty.
> Even with tax and shipping (Computers4sure) it is only $80.
> When it comes, I will send the Linksys in for repair and then save it for
> backup.
The 7004ABR is very different from the BR version. I have one of each. I like the browser interface
of the BR better than the ABR but the ABR has additional features. Also, the firmware for the BR is
no longer being upgraded. One cool ABR feature is auto-sensing ports. If you drive the ABR from a
hub, a crossover cable in not needed. That is what I do. My BR is my cable firewall/print
server/DHCP server. The ABR is connected to the BR and serves as another print server only.
1. The default IP address of the ABR is (Steve C. gave you the default for the BR
2. If you are using Netscape then you must tack :88 to the IP address ( or the ABR
won't respond. This is a known bug. I have the latest firmware upgrade and it is not fixed.
3. If you use the print server function the printer name is lpt1. For the BR it is lp. This info is
in the documentation on the CD only and is hard to find (under Unix iirc) and is incorrect. I
discovered that lp was wrong for the ABR by trial and error after a trip to SMC in Irvine for an
exchange which didn't fix the no printing problem.
Good luck,
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