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Sheridan replied:
> Sorry, Jordan, I have not had that problem. I did use the PS driver on the Xerox CD. You might try the
> CD driver to see if it is a driver problem.
Don't think it mattered whether I used the PS or PCL driver, re the issue I mentioned. I may have to try
that Xerox driver, just to see. If I can find a way into any "notebook" pages for the existing drivers,
I'll check out Steve Carter's idea about possible settings.
> My Optra 40 is still in its box. I never did connect it up so I have nothing to report on its
> operation.
It's a good little printer, though not nearly as solid as the C20 / NC20, which also has much better paper
handling, and many more options. (Either way, you're not going to touch built-in PS for anywhere near the
price.) Perhaps the main drawback to the C20 is that Xerox has seemingly been edging out of the printer
biz. You now can scarcely find mention of this model on their website. Generic equivalents can be had
for the extra printer RAM or flash memory (the latter is even pricier), but for more unusual items on the
parts list -- say the optional printer hard drive -- if you ever really wanted one, good luck finding it.
> Your right on the "photo" quality. I have not tried a photo cartridge yet though.
I have one that I bought at a show, but haven't tried it yet. This photo cartridge can be used in the
Xerox as well. Since it has black ink, I wonder what difference it makes, and how ? I am also wondering
what is the snap-shut plastic doohickey that was included among the parts inside the box for the C20 ? It
has a sticker on the front showing an ink cartridge being placed into it, has holes and an open area at
the bottom, but seems too large to fit inside the works of this printer. This item is nowhere referenced
in the C20 manual, or the .PDF files on the cd.
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