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J. R. Fox wrote:
> doesn't [Junk Spy] have exception lists for
> stuff that gets flagged, such that you can
> distinguish "redirxyz" from "EDIRxyz" ?
Yes, Junk Spy is very robust. The difficulty occurs when something you
*do* want (such as the word "redirect") contains something that Junk Spy
filters on (such as "EDIRECT" which is an online-marketing keyword).
Your filter needs some way of saying "zap everything that contains
EDIRECT *except* instances where it is part of REDIRECT.
I have used Junk Spy for a long time and I like it. I don't have my
email filters set up the way they suggest, but the Junk Spy folks tell
me I get a very unusual "mix" of email which is so out-of-the-mainstream
that they never envisioned someone needing to filter the way I do. I
mean, how many people have household members who *want* to get email
from the domain or or
several other nefarious senders.
A lot of software that I try gets tossed after a few minutes, but I've
used Junk Spy for a couple of years now and think very highly of it.
- Peter
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