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If you are responding to someone asking for help who
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I want to thank everyone who came to my help this past weekend. I
appreciate it very much.
Presently, I have two updated diskettes 1 and 2 that replaces the original
diskettes that came with the installation set.
I made changes to sys.config file and replaced the IBM1S506.ADD
with the IBM updated file (just because it required one less step).
I attempted to install and get to the FDISK program. All progress stops
there. When I highlight a function to do and hit enter, nothing happens.
That is, the steps to form a boot partition isn't happening. I've read all
the material in the fdisk program, but still nothing works.
Tonight at work, I will read all my email from the weekend (after printing
them) and reread the install manual and try to figure out how to get FDISK
working. I did choose the advanced install. Perhaps that is causing a
problem. {Maybe fdisk is like a horse: if it knows you don't know what you
are doing, it will not cooperate}. Anyway, I might try the beginner install
to see how it goes.
Again, thanks for all the help. I am planning to meet some of you on July
Butch Langel
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