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we had discussed about this earlier ...
... but these days I noticed that I have some strange behavior
with my system !?
Accidentally, I do not use it very frequent, I opened the DOS
command prompt
and got the following error message:
SYS0082: The directory or file cannot be created.
and "help SYS0082" shows following:
EXPLANATION: One of the following errors occurred:
o The file or directory name already exists.
o The directory path cannot be found.
o The root directory is full or there is not enough space on the
disk for the new file or directory.
o The directory name contains unacceptable OS/2 characters or is
reserved file name.
o The disk is not properly formatted.
Nothing else was done or initatied than opening the DOS command
prompt only !
Another problem:
but if I call it again: nothing happens ;-(
One more problem:
Trying to clean my system with CHECKINI ...
... ends with restarting the WPS but with an empty screen only ;-(
It seems that my system has gone into a wacky condition !!!
I also know that this could / must not have anything to to with
the RSU FP16 update !
Just wundering how and what to do to !?!?
Any hints, ideas and suggestions are appreciated ;-)
Well, since I also know that (a simple) Bootos2 is working with
MCP 4.52
I am going to do a complete new reinstall with MCP 4.52 soon in
July !
Regards, svobi
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