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In <>, on 07/18/02
at 09:10 AM, said:
>something that isn't really essential? It works for me. As far as the
>icq last night, I went to Netwebb site and found several channels of
>which #scoug was not one. I was working off a Nova SE Univ computer, but
>that shouldn't enter the equation. I will have to study the situation
No, it's a user interface issue. The listbox only contains a limited
selection of channels and you can't type in your own selection. This may
be what the site intended.
You should have asked someone on the #os/2 or #voice channel to come get
us. :-)
>and figure it out. I do know the link at the soug site didn't work for
>the tutorial on icq.
FWIW, ICQ and IRQ are different. :-)
I'll get the link fixed. When you report bad links, it a good idea to
note where the page the link is on and the link itself. It saves time.
>Also, I will study what you said about the download. I am afraid I will
>get the system all mucked up and be up the creek w/o the proverbial
We have virtual paddles available.
"Steven Levine" MR2/ICE 2.31a #10183 Warp4/FP15/14.085_W4 #scoug (Wed 7pm PST)
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