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Date: Sun, 30 Jun 2002 12:01:50 PST7
From: "Info2SYNass.NET" <Info@SYNass.NET >
Subject: SCOUG-Help: basic help

Content Type: text/plain

If you are responding to someone asking for help who
may not be a member of this list, be sure to use the
REPLY TO ALL feature of your email program.

Hi Butch
1st of all: Do NOT use any WIN stuff to prepare your OS/2
environment !!!
You will get into troubles for sure !!
Just follow step by step !

1. You already have your 3 Installation Diskettes created from
OS/2 CD-ROM: OK !?
2. You already have downloaded the IU exe files and have 2 exe
a) for Diskette 1
b) for Diskette 2
Do keep in mind the Installation Diskette is number ZERO to begin
your installation !

Run exe 1 to create the new Diskette 1
Run exe 2 to create the new Diskette 2

Now you have your new set !!!

3. In the new Diskette 1 you change the config.sys like explained
earlier !
4. Start your intallation with booting from Diskette "Zero" ...
... and continue according to the instructions from your screen

Good luck, svobi on 30.06.2002 20.43.52
Please respond to
Subject: SCOUG-Help: basic help

I want to make sure I have everything straight. The two updated
diskette I
have downloaded (warp4iu1 and 2 exe) replace the two install
While using Windows 2K, i checked the #2 uiexe diskette by left
clicking and
I get dos promt that says
"Please enter a drive letter compatible with the 1.44 m 3.5 "
disk or press
esc to quit."
I am now somewhat confused.
How do I check the sys config on diskette #2 ? Please don't
assume too much
with me.
I am going to expect when I try installing again, that the new
exe diskettes
I created will not boot again. I must be doing something
incorrectly when
downloading and transfering them to a floppy.

Butch Langel

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