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Date: Mon, 4 Nov 2002 20:15:21 PST7
Subject: SCOUG-Help: data association

Content Type: text/plain

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I am totally lost!

I tried deleting "*.doc" from the "current names" properties tab of the OS/2
Systems Editor, and adding it to the properties of the WinWord.exe program.
Didn't work, double-clicking an xxxx.doc file still brought up the systems
editor. Rebooted, same result.

Downloaded the association editor version 2.0. No examples given, so I
played with it. If I add an association type of "doc" or "*.doc" and then
try to associate it with existing object "Word for Windows", it still
doesn't work. If I try to associate "doc" or "*.doc" to a program (instead
of an object) by adding "winword.exe" (alone or with it's full path), I get
an error saying "this is not a program".

Obviously I am not understanding this concept of making associations

Harry Chris Motin writes:

> OK! Wayne, get Association Editor. It will enable you to choose the
> particular application that you want to be the default for those cases
> in which you have the same file type associated to 2 or more apps. Of
> course, you can always remove the association from one of the apps, just
> as you stated here for the OS/2 System Editor. However, if you get
> Association Editor, you can have your cake and eat it too.
> ______________________________________________________________________________
> wrote:
>> Thanks, Harry, that does indeed appear to be the problem! That should have
>> occurred to me, I feel kinda dumb. I wasn't able to move *.doc to the bottom
>> of the list, however, it appears to be placed alphabetically in the list so
>> I'll need to remove it, which is not a problem.
>> Harry Chris Motin writes:
>> > Wayne:
>> >
>> > What's going on here is that both the OS/2 System Editor and your MS
>> > Word executable have "*.DOC" under the "Current names" section of the
>> > "association tab" of their respective properties notebook. Check it out
>> > and see. Go to the association tab of the properties notebook of the
>> > System Editor and of MS Word.
>> >
>> > You can associate the same document type with more than one executable
>> > program. However, one program takes precedence over the others, when you
>> > double click on that type of data file. In your particular case, the
>> > System Editor comes first. Don't quote me on this, but I believe it's
>> > because it was the first executable on your system that had "*.DOC" as a
>> > current name association. Later, you added the MS Word executable.
>> > Again, do not quote me, but I believe that you can fix this problem by
>> > reording the associations in the System Editor. That is, remove the
>> > "*.DOC" association from the System Editor and then put it back it, but
>> > as the last association. Therefore, the current name section will look
>> > something like this:
>> >
>> > *.HTM
>> > *.HTML
>> > *.TXT
>> > *.DOC
>> >
>> > You can get an OS/2 program called "Association Editor". Search for it
>> > on Hobbes: Use "Association Editor" as the
>> > search phase. This program will allow you to more easily manage and/or
>> > change your file associations.


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