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> >If the cable itself was going bad, I might expect to see some problem re
> >the other H/D connected to it. This leads me to suppose it is more
Steven replied:
> I wouldn't.
By which I take it you mean that some "lines" (cable filaments, or whatever they're called) are working properly, and
others not, such that one might get quite different results from the two drives -- i.e., even if the connectors & / or
the hard drives themselves are not misbehaving ?
> >I'd still like to hear the answers to the questions I posed re the best
> >procedure for cloning the boot H/D to its spare twin.
> Well, this is not something I do a lot. Last time was while migrating to
> a larger drive, I used PM 3.05 to copy the partitions without resizing
> anything. I did this later. Next time, I might use dfsee.
Initially, I was thinking more in terms of the preliminaries. Presumably, I would temporarily disconnect H/D #2, and
connect the bare drive duplicate for H/D #1 in its stead, having set the SCSI i.d. of the duplicate-to-be to what the
SCSI i.d. of the 2nd. H/D had been, to avoid any conflict. Assuming this hardware arrangement still boots, then what
? I probably would not partition or format anything, because that is probably superfluous. (This also removes the
chance to confirm no bad spots or do burn-in testing ?) I would probably use GHOST or Drive Image 4.0 for
drive-to-drive cloning, because I have some basic familiarity with these. Other than that, I'm kind of stumbling
around in the dark without a flashlight.
I can't make the meeting tom'w., so we'll have to continue this on the Help List.
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