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Steve Carter wrote:
> I've also used the Partition Magic cloning technique
> for just about every HD upgrade I've ever done, at least
> recently, for both 'doze and Warp systems.
> But now, I might have to do something else. PM 3.05 now
> crashes on my FP14 W4 system, and I've got a new 36GB SCSI
> drive coming in the mail. is selling 10K RPM
> IBMs for $85, if you can use the SCA interface. I've got adapters.
Thanks for your reply, Steve.
I don't really wish to get involved with adaptors. The spare IBM SCSI drives I bought not too long ago, matching the
two now in the system, cost me less than half of what the 10K RPM originals went for. This can't touch the deal you
got, but it was good enough for me. I may even consider Svobi's idea of getting an IDE one (if the UltraStar 18
Gig-ers can still be had -- I've no need for anything larger, and feel they only introduce complications), as an
extra, more versatile backup.
> [This may be your last chance to snag an IBM. They're giving
> the business to Hitachi. ]
I was dimly aware of this, but am glad you reminded me. The IBM's had a top-flight reputation, with some models
having a 5 year warranty. I don't know what to expect from Hitachi. Whatever the best, most reliable units now are,
that's what I'd prefer to have.
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