>> I believe that something in the systems associations is not
>> proper anymore. I am unable to identify better ;-((
> Well, did you install Notes after installing Netscape?
> If would look at the settings again.
I hope I have not to !!!
Reinstalling Notes will be an effort of more than half a day
and partially cannot be done with higher FP ie 13-16, it needs
a downgrade to FP12 ...
... or my solution an OS/ FP12 in an external SCSI HDD case ;-)
On the other hand Notes is installed since some years and
whenever I had
to reinstall OS/2 I only need to set the pathes to Notes and my
was ready again withing entering these pathes plus a reboot only !
Convenient and easy ;-))
> It's possible we could identify the name of the file that Lotus
> find. This might give you some idea of what needs to be
> This would require using the OS/2 trace facility. Let me know
> you want to try this. Steven
I would love to find out the error and correct it !
I assume that my experiments with the newer browsers has changed
something in the OS2.INI or OS2SYS.INI files but I am unable to
see any entries or differences to previous ones ;-((
The behavior of Netscape and Notes are quite normal now except
that if I have e-mails with links !
An Notes e-mail containing links looks totally normal but
the double click to one of the link gives the following
error message:
- LN_FDNE.jpg
It's curious: I cannot see any difference in the NOTES.INIs !?
What would you suggest to try ?
Thanks in advance for your very appreciated assistance ;-)
Cheers, svobi
PS: This e-mail may be bounced from SCOUG mailing list due
the attachment !? So I have sent a copy to you personally.
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