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Hi Harry
thanks a lot for your prompt answer ;-)
Since a while I have tried so many things ...
... that I do not recognize anymore how and what to do ;-(
Whatever and however I tried ...
... I had disappointings only and I am very frustrated yet ;-|
On the other hand I know that I had it working ;-|
But HOW ??? I really do not know ;-((
At the moment I feel totally burned-out ...
... and have absolutely no idea anymore ;-((
If I would not know that my idea is good ...
... I really would throw my MO stuff into shredder !!
Before giving up really I call for "last" help with you SCOUG
folks ;-)
I would appreciate someone having this kind of unit guiding me
step by step to bring it working again ;-))
Regarding of "How to" and ideas to this unit my brain is totally
empty ;-((
Sorry for not having a better answer yet
svobi on 27.10.2002 15.34.12
Please respond to
Subject: SCOUG-Help: Fujitsu 1.3GB SCSI MO-Unit and HPFS
Hello svobi,
I'm not sure I can help you, because I do not fully understand
what you
are doing in your (failed) attempts to format a hard drive, or a
partititon on a hard drive. For example, are you trying to do
this from
an all up OS/2 system and you want to HPFS format another
(different than your boot partition)? Are you trying to format
partition from a maintenance OS/2 bootup partition? Are you
trying to
format from a set of OS/2 utility boot diskettes?
Also, when you attempt to format as HPFS, exactly what happens on
That being said, therefore, please excuse my response (below), if
have already taken into account the things that I am going to say!
In any case you have first create one or more partitions on the
drive, using Ddisk or LVM. Ddisk will assign a drive letter to the
partition and LVM will let you assign the letter.
After you have the partition and drive letter and can then invoke Go to the commandline in your OS/2 partition (or the
commandline in your maintenance partition; or the commandline
from the bootup from the utility diskettes). Type and enter
/FS:HPFS" (without the quotes; also change the "C:" portion of
command to the particular partition that you what to format; for
example, if you what to HPFS format the "F:" partition, the
command at
the commandline would be "FORMAT F: /FS:HPFS" (again, without the
If you are using the utility boot diskettes, you have to have the
"FORMAT.COM" file on that diskette (I think??). If you are using
an all
up OS/2 system, or if you are using a maintenance OS/2 system, you
should be able to use FORMAT from any OS/2 commandline. Of course
cannot format the same partition from which you are invoking the
Again, please excuse me, if all of the above is obvious to you!
It would
help, if you gave a more descriptive and fuller explanation of
what you are trying to do and what the response of your system is.
"Info2SYNass.NET" wrote:
> =====================================================
> If you are responding to someone asking for help who
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> =====================================================
> Hello
> Since 1999 I have this unit and use some 540MB and one 1.3GB
> media.
> In the old century, I am not really sure anymore, I may had have
> some
> medias formatted in HPFS !?!?
> Now, since a while I am trying, trying and retrying and again to
> get this
> HPFS formattings again ;-( Whatever I do and try I do not get it
> ;-((
> I had tried the MO640 drivers from Fujitsu, Canada ...
> I had tried the N512 drivers ...
> I use (always newest) DaniS506.ADD and DaniDASD, I had tried
> the IBM1S506.ADD as also IBMDASD ...
> ... absolutely no success with all my experiments ;-(((
> Does anybody of you have a hint or a solution for me !!!
> Regarding this topic:
> I have prepared each a 540MB MO media as an emergency disk
> containing
> all needed files its repective OS subdirectories ...
> ... but cannot access the MO drive currently !
> How can I bring my DrDOS 7.03 rescue floppy from the 3 1/2"
> floppy to the
> 540MB MO media to get it booting from the SCSI unit ???
> It would be very intersting too ...
> ... to get my BootOS2 data onto an 540MB MO media ?!?
> Is this possible and if yes how do I do this ???
> Your hints and suggestions are hot awaited ;-))
> Thanks a lot !
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