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If you are responding to someone asking for help who
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On Mon, 21 Oct 2002 18:21:39 PST7, Steven Levine wrote:
>In <3DB48553.5AC91716@charter.net>, on 10/21/02
> at 02:52 PM, Ray Davison said:
>>>It has been suggested that I can have a DOS program print to LPT3 and
>>PMFax will turn that printer info into a fax file and transmit it. I
>>have wandered thru the on screen help and found a claim to that effect,
>>but now how to do it.
>>This usually application specific. From the command line:
>> type filename >lpt3
>>will get it done.
For example in WordStar, on the print menu one option is
Redirect to:
Input LPT3.
You have to select a font to rasterize the text which (in points
or cpi) will not go off the logical page when PMFax converts it.
I used to do this all the time to send faxes via PMFax from
WordStar in a DOS box.
Jeffrey Race
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