> >
> > Which WinOS2 folders? d:\os2\mdos\winos2 and below? Your problem is most
> > likely on the C: partition.
> >
> > Steven
> >
> I agree, with the reservation that everything seems to be working fine when
> I boot Win95... strange if the only thing affected on C: was something used
> by the Warp system. But, I can understand that the OfficePro install under
> Warp might have placed something on the C: partition, and I certainly did
> fiddle with C: while trying to make it larger, so it's certainly possible.
> I guess I can re-install OfficePro 4.3 (I've done it before), I just dread
> doing it because it's on diskettes and takes forever to install while you
> stand idly by waiting to feed it 40 or 50 diskettes, hoping it will get rid
> of all the old stuff and work properly when you're done.
> Wayne
Just one final suggestion. You may want to look it up on the newsgroup
archives on google. The share problem used to be a pretty common problem for a
variety of programs. I know I battled the problem once myself - I just don't
remember what the solution was in my case. I remember that there was a fix for
my case. Enclosed is one sample post that resulted while looking up share under
From: Robin Vley (viper@cyber.iaf.nl)
Subject: SHARE.EXE under WIN-OS/2 ??? HELP !!!
Newsgroups: comp.os.os2.bugs
Date: 1996/09/28
Hello All!
Friday September 27 1996 02:23, Peter Arnold wrote to All:
PA> I also are having the same problem. I have a OS/2 Warp Ver3 DOS session
PA> where
PA> I run a application that opens a *.dbf file. This application allows other
PA> applications to access the dbf file if 'SHARE.EXE' is loaded. I have
PA> included share in the autoexec.bat file but get the error 'Incorrect DOS
PA> version' when loading it. I am using dos 6.20. In the DOS Settings
PA> DOS_VERSION I have entered SHARE.EXE,6,20,255 but still get the error.
PA> Does anyone give me a fix for this?
I solved such a problem a while ago by loading a dummy share.exe.
I can't remember what the filename was, but I got it from Hobbes or CDROM.
It's a little program that loads itself in mem (like the real share), but it
doesn't do anything, it just sits there. Normal DOS/windoze programs look in
mem. for a program called share.exe and they find it.
The functions of share are handled by OS/2.
I'd like to suggest you take a look in /network/* dir, and maybe the utils or
sysutils dir.
You have a good chance it's called share.zip. ;)
I'm not sure it'll work, because you're not using the same apps as the person I
helped did, but you can always try.
Good luck!
////// Brought to you by OS/2 Merlin ///////
/ Robin Vley / The Netherlands / Mobile: 06-52935705 /
/ e-mail: viper@cyber.iaf.nl / viper@os2net.demon.nl /
/ Viper OS/2 HomePage: http://www.worldaccess.nl/~viper/
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