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Steven replied
> >stufff, but that must all be gone now), yet I'm still taking _the same_
> >constant 5% to 8% cpu hit with no app.s running. So, either the eCS
> >Clock was never really the cause, or . . . ? I'd like to find out before
> >trying the later version.
> Well, you need to use some sort of process monitor to find out which
> process is chewing up the CPU time. CAD Commander might have something.
It may well. I'll check.
> I'm not sure. If not, there's TOP and PMPatrol, among others.
I always have Theseus initialized, by default, if that's another.
> BTW, I installed the CADCmdr demo on my test box to see what it looked
> like. It's OK. It's not as "finished" as either Watchcat or Process
> Commander, but it does work and it does have the benefit that the keyboard
> handler supports CAD intercept.
Assuming the demo is the same as the final 2.52 or 2.53 version, in my experience C-A-D is easily a match for PC, and lacks a couple drawbacks. It is more
capable than either, able to Kill things that were untouchable with WatchCat (sans the later WNICE enhancements, which I've never tried), and that PC could not
do much with either.
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