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If you are responding to someone asking for help who
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There are a number of repair types available in UniMaint. I've read the
manual and the online help and it's a mystery to me concerning possible
overlap in the various repair types. For example, does "Do All WPS, PM
and File Handle Repairs" include all the repairs (and more) that are
done under "Do All Individual INI File Repairs"? That being said, I have
the following major repair types in UniMaint:
1. Do All WPS, PM and File Handle Repairs
2. Do All Individual INI File Repairs
3. Remove Duplicate Create Another Menu Items
4. Destroy Objects
5. Delete All File Handles for Drive
6. Delete Valid File Handles
7. Delete Ignored File Handles
8. Do Aggressive File Handles Repair
There are also several types for displaying stuff. I do not think you
should try items #4, 5 and 6, above. However, you might try items #3 and
7 in addition to the three (3) repair types you already do.
Peter Skye wrote:
> =====================================================
> If you are responding to someone asking for help who
> may not be a member of this list, be sure to use the
> REPLY TO ALL feature of your email program.
> =====================================================
> For the past two years CheckINI won't run on my main machine. It runs
> for a few minutes and then hangs the system (the clock stops). The hang
> is always in a different place. Sometimes I can reboot with
> Ctrl-Alt-Del and sometimes I have to do a cold reboot.
> We've been over this problem several times before and I don't want to
> rehash it, but maybe I'm missing an option in UniMaint which I run
> before I run CheckINI. I run these three UniMaint repairs:
> Do All WPS, PM and File Handle Repairs
> Do All Individual INI File Repairs
> Do Aggressive File Handles Repair
> Is there any other UniMaint repair I should run?
> Also, I remember someone warning that CleanINI (which I haven't run in a
> long time) shouldn't be run until CheckINI runs successfully. I don't
> recall what CleanINI trashes, but since CheckINI always hangs, is it
> okay to run CleanINI anyway and see what happens? Do I just need to
> restore the OS2*.INI files if CleanINI messes things up?
> - Peter
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