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Date: Mon, 7 Oct 2002 19:25:57 PST7
From: Michael Rakijas < >
To: scoug-help < >
Subject: SCOUG-Help: Re: Utility Diskettes

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** Reply to message from Harry Chris Motin on Mon, 7 Oct
2002 17:02:10 PST7

> In answer to your question, you need to create your own. Every system is
> unique. The utility will create your diskettes such that you can boot up
> on them, on your system.
> I do not own ECS (I use FP15), but I would be really surprised if that
> utility is not packaged with the OS. Look in the "OS/2 System\Utility"
> folder on your desktop. You should see a program called "Create Utility
> Diskettes". You will need your installation CDROM to run the program.
> Perhaps someone with ECS can comment on my statements for that utility
> packaged with the OS??

I can't quite comment about what is in eCS (because my eCS test machine is
still being debugged) but I asked this of Kim at one of the SCOUG meetings
(something to the effect of "Is the create utility disk program fixed (to avoid
the floppy overflow futzing)") and the response was approximately that the
utility was untouched and wasn't really planned on being supported any longer
since the plan was to direct folks to use their bootable CD to fix any boot
failure problems they had. Although I can appreciate this as a valid approach,
I would sorely miss the boot floppy option since my current financial status
requires vigilant parsimony and I run many older machines that don't have a
"boot from CD" capability.




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