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Hi Peter
For me 4OS2 is a Must-Have !!
I am using 4OS2 for years and find / found it quite helpful and
There are some work-easing helpers and some more higher features.
Just one sample:
After a while one has many other files of CONFIG.* !
Normally one has to erase each unneeded CONFIGs one for one.
With 4OS2 you enter one command i.e.
delete *.0* *.BAK *.SDD *.S8*
and all these files will be deleted in one step ;-)
There are much more helpers & tricks like this ;-))
There is a manual (1" thick) full with hints, recommendations &
tricks ;-)))
I never went into that very seriously ;-(
Unfortunately it seems that the tool may have some problems with
higher versions of OS/2 i.e. MCP 4.51 or 4.52 perhaps eCS too !?!
Another misfit is the OS/2 version displayed like following:
<< WS220 ** FiRE >> C:\ >ver /r
4OS2 3.03B OS/2 Version is 4.05
4OS2 Revision B (151) OS/2 Revision A
4OS2 S/N 0101010101, registered to *** name ***
for use on a single computer. May not be distributed to others.
My system is on FP16 and has kernel 14.091b !
If you get it for free: I would try it
As a user with some experience I would try to get the package
with the manual as a guide to have a written good guide !!
Get it as long it's possible.
Good luck,
PS - A hint regarding URL's:
You had written the URL with brackets (see below in your text).
I suggest to write URL's full and exactly from begin with
to get the URL accessed with a double-click directly. Just try
( on 20.10.2002 20.39.04
Please respond to
Subject: SCOUG-Help: 4OS2 ? Take Command for OS/2 ?
Anybody have any comments pro or con on these free JP Software
Take Command for OS/2
In other words, are they worth installing?
- Peter
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