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Date: Mon, 9 Sep 2002 16:13:31 PST7
From: "J. R. Fox" < >
Subject: SCOUG-Help: Re: re: SDD Pro | SMC 7004ABR

Content Type: text/plain

If you are responding to someone asking for help who
may not be a member of this list, be sure to use the
REPLY TO ALL feature of your email program.

{This is a reply I tried to send last week, but I had outbound mail
server problems, including the List rejecting mail attempts due to the
temporary "guest" address.}

Ray wrote:

> Jordan. Did you ever pursue this further. I have three machines
> "tamed".

Not really. Even though the actual culprit turned out to be a
replacement keyboard driver (from the Ctrl-Alt-Delete Commander
process killer), which needed to be updated with a later version --
rather than anything that was part of the video subsystem -- I just
stayed with the Matrox 2.36 driver I had changed to, as part of the
troubleshooting process. It is a very known and reliable quantity,
for me. Perhaps I'll go back and try the new Snap Graphics from SDD
after awhile, once it has established a substantial, positive track

On another front, I happen to be on the road right now, visiting
relatives. This includes their home ofc. site for which I originally
purchased that SMC 7004ABR. You may recall that they had rejected
this solution at that time, due to their being "network phobic."
Then, at one of the meetings, we spoke for awhile in the hall, and you
told me that this was a pretty failsafe item, whose setup was very
simple. Well, since my last visit a few months ago, they have had a
consultant here for various setup & training tasks. One of the things
he did was to install the SMC. Guess he made believers of them. No
use is currently being made of the print server component, but perhaps
at some later date. The SMC has proven to be a good solution,
transparent even for *very* unlearned computer users, and mostly
trouble-free. There was one incident so far during my stay, in which
the RoadRunner cable service apparently went down. It was actually
down for several hours, per a notice on their service area status
board (alternately reached via dial-up), but the broadband service had
not returned by the following day. I was going to ask you or Sheridan
if this was a common occurrence with the SMC. (The consultant
informed me that he thought he had set the DHCP to renew the dynamic
lease "forever," though I haven't confirmed this yet. He also
indicated that he had updated the firmware, something whose degree of
importance was unknown to me.) In any case, I got everything working
again by shutting down the two workstations, removing power from the
SMC, restoring power to the SMC, then rebooting the systems. This
seemed to get everything back on the same page, and broadband
connections resumed. I hope this will be a rare event. They do have
the cable modem, SMC, and workstations on UPSes.


Later Addendum: According to the router's Setup screens, f/w was never
updated beyond v. 1.10. I meant to check the DHCP settings, but
forgot. During my week there, broadband connection was lost *twice*,
at roughly a 3-day interval, and I'm told it happened again, for a
third time, since I left. The fix, as mentioned above, has not been a
big deal, but this is cause for concern. Is something not right with
this SMC setup, or is this just an unavoidable characteristic of the
RoadRunner cable modem service ?


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