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If you are responding to someone asking for help who
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Original question:
>What is the proper OS/2 procedure for removing (uninstalling ?) installed
>printer drivers that are no longer applicable to your hardware setup ?
Steven replied:
> Get a copy of prndrv.exe from:
> and use it to ferret out the spurious object.
The simple list of command switches given us from running PRNDRV presents a List, but
that is not the same as locating the object or whatever files are associated with it.
> Usually, you can just drag them to the shredder.
> If the driver is corrupted, that can sometimes fail. If that occurs, use
> prndrv.exe from the command line.
These objects resisted the shredder, so I resorted to PRNDRV. In my case, it turned
out to be a very dangerous utility. I specified for deletion only the printer drivers
containing a particular name string (EPSONPRT.EPSON), and it appears to have taken out
*every* printer driver on LPT2, including the LexMark ones which obviously don't.
What's more, the printer objects *still* show up in the Printers folder, and still
appear available for selection by various app.s, but each is now an empty husk that
does nothing. I would have been much better off leaving things as they were, and just
ignoring the outdated cluttter. Now I'm not sure what to do, other than to try to
reinstall each printer driver over again, and hope that does not lead to any bad side
I'm going to check out the LaserJet on LPT1, to see if that one is still answering.
. . . O.K., well at least that one's still working, so I'm not completely hosed
printer-wise in the W4 partition.
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