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If you are responding to someone asking for help who
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Thanks for the help.
You were right. I had mixed up the config.sys lines required to get RSJ
working with RSJ devices, etc and the lines required to use Daniella's
back door. I tried to setup for the latter first and then, after
rereading one of your old messages, tried to go back to an RSJ
I did get RSJ working.This config.sys portion did the trick. With it I
was able to use BackAgainII to backup L: which was a copy of an old C: to
a CD-RW disk, format L: hpfs, and restore it. I did not compress the
REM *** RSJ CD-Writer File System ***
RUN=G:\CDWFS\CDWFSD.EXE -p "c:/tcpip/tmp" -c20000 -b2048 -t2 -i3 -s0 REM
***RSJ CD-Writer File System***
I remmed out the second reference to aspirout.sys (config.sys line 124)
because the Danis506 message during boot said line 124 was not being
installed. That message did not appear when I rebooted.
I am still puzzled by these results of chkdsk L: before before backup and
after restore:
Before backup:
1028128 kb total disk space
1356 kb in 444 directories (I may have misread 1358 as 1356) 171527 kb in
4762 user files
1500 kb in EA's
2048 kb reserved for system use
851698 kb available for use
After restore:
1028128 kb total disk space
1358 kb in 444 directories
169478 kb in 4761 user files
1500 kb in EA's
2048 kb reserved for system use
853743 kb available for use
What file was not backed up and restored? Could this file be swapper.dat?
It does not exist on L; and is 2097 kb long on C:. I did not check to
see if it was in L: before I backed up but I did not exclude it from the
I found discrepancies between the kb used and available and even the total
kb of partition L: after restore. If you are interested in what I found,
see my message to Steven. I put all the gory details in it.
In <>, on 07/31/2003
at 07:06 PM, "Harry Motin" said:
>On Thu, 31 Jul 2003 17:04:20 PDT7, Steven Levine wrote:
>>I'm pretty sure ASPIROUT and RSJ are mutually exclusive. I don't use RSJ,
>>so unless the RSJ readme says otherwise, REM out:
>Steven is right. You appear to have a half combination of lines for using
>Daniela's drivers and her "back door" for the RSJ CD writer system and
>the remaining half for not using her drivers, but using the original RSJ
>I use Daniela's drivers and her back door. Here's my config.sys:
>REM *** RSJ CD-Writer File System ***
>RUN=C:\CDWFS\CDWFSD.EXE -p "C:/TMP" -c20000 -b2048 -t2 -i3 -s0 REM ***
>RSJ CD-Writer File System ***
>You use the ASPIROUT.SYS driver and the "/ALL" option only with Daniela's
>drivers. But, if you use her drivers, you have to REM out the
>PX-W2410A"" lines
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