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Richard Knebel asked:
> >I just tried to buy Ecom Station from prizm Works and they said they are
> >not seliing it anymore unless it comes loaded on one of there computers.
and Steven replied:
> Mensys is now set up to do U.S. distribution.
Mensys is in Holland. (Or did you mean that they now have a full, _domestic_
fullfillment capability ?) I've bought a couple things from them (like FLASH/2 and
its upgrades), which were small and lent themselves well to strictly electronic
delivery. I believe there is also an active distributor in Canada, which I have a
record of somewhere, that might be a good alternative here. Who knows -- one might
even gain something from the weakness of the Canadian dollar ?
I'd no idea that PrismData had dropped out of new (s/w only) sales.
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