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Date: Tue, 11 Feb 2003 21:30:02 PST8
From: Michael Rakijas < >
To: scoug-help < >
Subject: SCOUG-Help: Further on SCSI Problem

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** Reply to message from "Steven Levine" on Sun, 9 Feb
2003 17:10:14 PST8

> In <>, on 02/09/03
> at 04:42 PM, Michael Rakijas said:
> >Adaptec used to be pretty good about it but they've gone off the deep end
> >... in the sense that they have stuff that works quite well with OS/2 but
> >they just don't want to be bothered by it so they don't maintain what
> >they've already got. Probably don't want the support bother anymore.
> Actually you can still go to Adaptec's site and search for drivers, by OS
> and OS/2 is on the list. What's falling off the list is info on older,
> out of production cards. This seems to happen with all vendors.
> Sometimes I suspect it's simple human error. The site maintainers where
> in elementary school when the cards were in productions.

I guess I just take a dim view of letting an existing library fall into
disrepair. Once everything is collected and organized, it shouldn't take much
work to allow it to be available ... even if you want a disclaimer ending
support for the legacy products.

> I'm not entirely sure, but my dim memory says the 2930s are rebadged
> Future Domain cards. It was a long time ago that Adaptec bought out
> Future Domain.

I believe that is true of the 2930s as well as my 2920C, hence the apparent
parallels for the two cards.

> Steven


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