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I am still struggling with adapting my DOS boot diskettes =
to get my external SCSI case containing the PLEX6 CD-ROM connected =
with an Adaptec SlimSCSI APA-1460 to my Toshiba T4900CT !
The initial DOS boot diskette does already on my main system with =
its Adaptec AHA-2940 SCSI controller and the Nakamichi CD-ROM changer !
It's also working with my OS/2 Boot Diskettes from Performance Plus V4
There are 2 intentions with my efforts:
1) I want a pure DOS solution to get all our PC's booted for any system
related services, =
i.e mobo BIOS updates and many others which cannot be done with my OS/2
stuff !
2) I want a pure DOS PLUS the already existing OS/2 tools as a
secundary =
fallback in whatever circumstances !
2a) Alternatively I want to prepare an emergency DOS LAN boot diskette
being able =
to boot up from an problematic system and to connect to another LAN
system to =
get needed data for repairing !
I do not understand why my Boot Diskette works on the one system with
the =
AHA-2940 and the Nakamichi but it DOES NOT on the notbook !?
For the notebook I have changed to ASPI2DOS.SYS already ...
=2E.. but I am always getting some error message regarding ports 140 or
340 =
failing and so ASPI2DOS also failing !?
Currently I also do not have enough time anymore playing around with
this =
case because I am leaving for my long vacation very soon:
I may have to postpone this efforts and bring it up again in April, =
when I am back ;-)
Kind regards, svobi on 15.02.2003 02.11.16
Please respond to
cc: =
Subject: SCOUG-Help: OT - special DOS Setup ?
** Reply to message from "Steven Levine" on
Wed, 12 Feb
2003 10:45:09 PST8
> In <1045038890-0-syn-ml@SYNass.NET>, on 02/11/03 =
> at 11:33 PM, "SYN ML" said:
> =
> >All our PC's are connected to LAN ...
> >... how can I boot my notebook with DOS and get access to an CD-ROM =
> >another PC in the LAN ?
> =
> There is a DOS LAN Requestor. However, I suspect you'll find it much
> easier to build a set of Remote Install diskettes that boot OS/2 and
> SRVIFS to get access to the remote drives.
I'm interested in both solutions although the former might be a little
I have an old notebook that I'd like to get the data off of at some
point in the
future. I'd rather not have to disassemble it to remove the hard drive
but it
has no PCCard slot and no hope for a conventional net card. It's a
underpowered machine so even if it had a netcard, I'm not sure it could
load Remote Install diskettes. First, where does one find a DOS LAN
anyway and is it NETBIOS compatible? Then, is there some way I can use
a serial
port and the LAN conduit? I guess I don't need this to work for general
operation - I just need it once to get the data off of it. Maybe,
someone could
suggest an alternative that doesn't require buying something like
LapLink. I'll
take it apart to pull the drive before I do something like that.
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