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Date: Wed, 8 Jan 2003 22:39:01 PST8
From: Benedict G. Archer < >
Subject: SCOUG-Help: MR2ICE doesn't use Mozilla

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In <>, on 01/08/2003
at 10:09 PM, Tom Brown said:

>Benedict G. Archer wrote:
>> =====================================================
>> If you are responding to someone asking for help who
>> may not be a member of this list, be sure to use the
>> REPLY TO ALL feature of your email program.
>> =====================================================
>> In , on 01/07/2003
>> at 08:27 AM, "Steven Levine" said:
>>>In <>, on 01/06/03
>>> at 11:38 PM, Benedict G. Archer said:
>>>>I'm unable to configure MR2ICE 2.35 to use the Mozilla 1.21 browser. I
>>>>can start Mozilla from a command line or rexx script with "mozilla 1.21,"
>>>>but with either "mozilla 1.21" or the name of the rexx script entered in
>>>>the MR2ICE settings RMB on a URL causes a window to open momentarily but
>>>>Mozilla never opens. MR2ICE uses Netscape without problems. Do I need
>>>>something in the Mozilla properties parameter field?
>>>Nope. You need to post the settings value you are trying to use so we
>>>can see what's wrong with it.
>>>Most likely, you do not have Mozilla in PATH or LIBPATH so your script
>>>will need to change to the Mozilla directory before invoking Mozilla.
>> here's what I did before posting the query
>> manually edited config.sys to:
>> tried the following, none of which work, in the settings browser field:
>> mozilla
>> mozilla 1.21
>> "mozilla 1.21" (this works from a command line)
>> startmozilla.cmd (this works from a command line, my cmd file in the
>> same folder as MR2I.exe)
>> "c:\\mozilla\mozilla 1.21" (this works from a command
>> line)
>> the executable, mozilla 1.21 is in c:\\mozilla double click on
>> this opens the browser
>> just back after two days without power owing to the Monday night winds
>> Ben
>Are you perhaps confusing the name of the Mozilla 1.21 object with the
>name of the executable program? All of the versions of Mozilla that I
>have used are named "mozilla.exe". I think that is what MR2ICE is
>looking for, perhaps with a complete path. For instance, my copy of
>Mozilla 1.3a is:


>This is probably what MR2ICE is looking for.

>Yeah, I know the version number doesn't match the actual... I must have
>screwed up when I installed it!

There are things I don't understand. I haven't got a file named
"mozilla.exe" anywhere (searched). The file "mozilla 1.21" acts like it's
the executable, but its size is only 121 kbytes--smaller than I would
expect. Installing mozilla created a folder on the desktop that contains
an object named mozilla--not a shadow. A double click on this also opens
mozilla. There is no file tab in its properties. The Path and file name
field on the program tab page for this object has
c:\\mozilla\mozilla 1.21. What sort of object is this? The
desktop folder also contains a "Mozilla Profile Manager" and an uninstall
icon. Installation seemed easy and smooth, but I'm wondering if something
went wrong there.

Benedict G. Archer


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