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If you are responding to someone asking for help who
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No one here stepped up to the plate on this, but I found out the
answer. I had their printed manual (which was circa ver. 2.5 or
something), an RSJ .pdf file from 2000, and another one from about a
year later in mid-to-late 2001. You might think that would be
sufficient, but in that case you'd be wrong. RSJ has really lagged
behind on some of its documentation. (I mean, how many years have we
been using RW-capable burners, at this point ??) I downloaded their
latest .PDF in English, which is from around 6/02, and they now --
finally -- mention CD-RW. Once properly formatted, I think you can
use the re-writables more or less like a regular CD, although I
haven't tried this yet. Formatting and erasing them is done from
Command Line commands; I don't think there is any provision for this
in the RSJ GUI.
This is all rather different from the way it is done in Win-32, where
you need a packet-writing program like IN-CD (which always crashed my
NT-4, and later on crashed my W2K, so I removed it . . . although I
have used it successfully on other people's systems), but then RSJ has
always gone about CD-writing in its own peculiar ways. In any case, I
think I prefer the RSJ methodology, at least from a user-interface
point of view.
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