, on 06/25/03
> at 05:45 PM, kfh777@earthlink.net said:
>> upmaccts
>>I get a "Local Logon" screen asking for User ID and Password. There are
>>the usual OK,Cancel,Help buttons. I don't remember my ID and PW for
>>this. I've got too many on too many machines in too many places. Where
>>do I find what is entered in this app?
>Since you never really had Peer running, try the default:
> User Id: USERID
> Password: PASSWORD
>>There is no "local workstation" button
>You may not have gotten that far yet. Let me know what happens
>once you get pass the signon.
Entering USERID and PASSWORD ON THE Local Log on screen returns the "User Profile Management-User Profile" screen. It reports I'm an Administrator with Default User ID, a password is required and it was last changed 4944 days ago. "Access is allowed" and USERID is a member of Default Group ID.
Then I "Exited" profile management
>>>What happens if you run:
>>> logon /v:local
Now it returns:
In the OS/2 frame, "The requester is starting ... "
A system error "Detached Process ID44" , SYS 2070 frame appears, ending that:
yields the Local Logon Screen with user id as USERID. I enter PASSWORD and get
Logon attempt was unsuccessful in a new window.
Under those frames the original OS/2 window reports "NET2186, the service (I assume Requester) is not responding to the control function"
K.F.Hammer Associates Ken Hammer
management consultations Barnet, VT 05821
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