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Date: Sun, 2 Mar 2003 07:14:51 PST8
From: Harry Chris Motin < >
Subject: SCOUG-Help: Installing TCPIP

Content Type: text/plain

If you are responding to someone asking for help who
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Steven Levine wrote:
> Keep in mind that TCP/IP v4.1 includes a version of the 32-bit MPTS stack,
> but that you can run the 32-bit MPTS stack without the 16-bit TCP/IP applications.

Two (2) questions here:
1. I assume you meant to say: "run the 32-bit MPTS stack without the
32-bit TCP/IP applications."????

2. So, I can update MPTS to version 5.3 (32 bit) and still run and use
my 16 bit TCP/IP applications, if I chose to do so (like, if I could
not, for some reason, successfully install the apps via ixPak UN_2001)?

So, I'm looking for a bottom line here. I downloaded the following:

1. W08610B?.DSK and CSFUS142.DSK
2. W08621.?DK
3. UN_2001.?DK and FIXT141.DSK

Using these files, I should be able to fully install TCPIP version 4.1
without any problems???? I'll use LOADDSKF.EXE and create diskettes from
these disk images. Then, I'll read the "readme" and/or *.inf files that
result. Perhaps I can come up with an answer that way. However, I'd like
your opinion, too! Thanks.


Steven Levine wrote:
> =====================================================
> If you are responding to someone asking for help who
> may not be a member of this list, be sure to use the
> REPLY TO ALL feature of your email program.
> =====================================================
> In <>, on 03/01/03
> at 07:50 PM, Harry Chris Motin said:
> >I believe that the installer is no longer available. If I go to the
> >website,
> Did you look inside the zip file for tcpinst.exe or install.cmd?
> >I'm told that I've got to separately update the TCPIP stack, via the MPTS
> Update != install. This is IBM language.
> >5.3 update, and also the TCPIP applications, via FixPak UN_2001 and an
> >installation package. Perhaps I'm a little confused, but I reading from
> I suspect that is the case. It's easy to do if you attempt to think of
> TCP/IP as a single component. In truth, it's really two components. The
> MPTS stack and the TCP/IP applications. The MPTS stack can be updated
> separately or in conjunction with the TCP/IP applications. It depends on
> the FP.
> >the "OS/2 Warp 4 TCP/IP v4.1 Installation Notes,
> >
> I'll have to check this later. The site is not responding at the moment.
> >on how to install version 4.1 without any problems. Everything is
> >available except the installer. The website:
> >
> >also indicates that I need TCP/IP 4.1 Installation Package as a
> >prerequisite for installing FixPak UN_2001.
> That's true. There are different TCP/IP FPs for the different TCP/IP
> flavors.
> Keep in mind that TCP/IP v4.1 includes a version of the 32-bit MPTS stack,
> but that you can run the 32-bit MPTS stack without the 16-bit TCP/IP
> applications. When you install v4.1 all that will really change is that
> you will have the 32-bit applications installed.
> Steven
> --
> ---------------------------------------------------------------------
> "Steven Levine" MR2/ICE 2.35 #10183 Warp4/FP15/14.085_W4
> #scoug (Wed 7pm PST)
> ---------------------------------------------------------------------
> =====================================================
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