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On Fri, 5 Sep 2003 21:35:53 PDT7, Gary Wong wrote:
>If I (for example) were to switch from an old HP writer to a new Sony writer, would I have
>to re-install RSJ? Or would it auto-detect?
It will auto detect it only if that drive is listed in the "cddrv.inf" file, which is in your ?:\CDWFS
folder (the RSJ installation folder). You can read this file in an ordinary ASCII text editor, like
EPM or E.EXX. If the Sony drive is not there, I would contact the RSJ folks and get an update to
that file. Sometimes they will send an updated file. Sometimes they will tell you how to edit the
Attached is my cddrv.inf file. Open it in a text editor and look at it. It has several specific Sony
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