>Let's work with better data.
>Send me copies of the working and non-working config.sys files along with
>dir lists of what's on the diskettes.
OK -- I hope this is clear.
I am sending the config.sys and file lists from my maintenance hard drive
partition that works -- except it has the Unicode error (also includes
restore files): config.mnt
maint.txt (root files)
maint1.txt (\os2 directory files)
maint2.txt (\os2\dll\ directory files)
and from the floppy that boots but doesn't recognize JFS:
config.flp (from diskette #1 - the second diskette)
and disk2.flp (files from the floppy that I edited: diskette #2 - the
third diskette)
These are the diskettes from eCS 1.0 Utility Diskettes.
Let me know if you need files from any of the other diskettes.
BTW - when I tried replacing ibm1s506.add on the floppy with danis506.add,
the computer would no longer boot.
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