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Thank you. I changed the directory from tcp-ip updates to tcp-ip_updates
and created floppies successfully.
Before installing either WR08610 or WR08621 I plan to backup my boot
partition c: and make desktop and supplementary backups with Unimaint.
Then I am planning to boot to a:\ with my updated utility diskettes, run
chkdsk c: /f until it shows no problems before trying to install WR08610
first and WR08621 immediately thereafter.
The installation of WR08610 seems pretty clear. Put the first floppy in
and type install.cmd which calls MPTS.exe.
The first floppy of WR08610 holds CSF1.42. I plan to insert the floppy
with CSF1.42, type "FPINST Warp4" and press enter as the CS_142.txt file
Do my plans sound reasonable? Are there any "gotcha's" like the space in
the directory?
Oh, yeah: I almost forgot to tell you that I did not install Network
Adaptor, File and Print Client, Netware Client, Remote Access Client,
Mobile Office Systems, System Management Client. I did install TCP/IP
Services on c: but left the rest of the options blank. Will this cause
any problems?
I guess the above is just a back handed way of asking what MPTS includes.
Thanks again.
Warp 4 fp15
In <>, on 09/29/2003
at 10:15 PM, Tom Brown said:
>It looks like there is a space in the filename. If so, the filename must
>be enclosed in double quotes! Such as:
>c:\warpup\loaddskf.exe "J:\tcp-ip updates\wr08610\w08610b7.dsk" a: /f
> wrote:
>> Steven,
>> I followed Tom's advice and downloaded the files.
>> Then I tried to create a floppy from the downloaded files with this
>> command line in an os/2 wndow:
>> c:\warpup\loaddskf.exe J:\tcp-ip updates\wr08610\w08610b7.dsk a: /f
>> and got these results. The paths are correct.
>> LoadDskF 1.16p 01-14-93
>> (c) Copyright IBM Corporation 1989, 1993
>> Syntax:
>> LoadDskF [D:][path]filename.dsk d: [options]
>> The file must contain an image of the diskette that you wish to create in
>> the specified drive. The destination diskette is checked to ensure the
>> same format as the diskette from which the file was originally created.
>> The file must not be on the diskette in the destination drive.
>> Options:
>> /F The target diskette will be formatted to match the input image.
>> /Y Bypasses the user input (y/n) prior to overwriting the target
>> diskette.
>> /Y/Q Omits the warning message before overwriting the target diskette.
>> /S Silent Mode - Don't Beep after writing diskette.
>> /C Used to write 3.5" images to 5.25" diskettes or vice versa.
>> See the documentation for usage and limitations.
>> This program will work on DOS and OS/2 Operating Systems.
>> Comments/questions to TCOOPER@VNET.IBM.COM on the Internet.
>> What am I doing wrong?
>> Jack
>> In , on 09/29/2003
>> at 12:47 PM, "Steven Levine" said:
>>>In <>, on 09/29/03
>>> at 10:38 AM, said:
>>>>When I tried to download, a .dsk file, it scrolled down my screen. After
>>>>the whole file appeared, I hit File-->Save As. Then the correct file
>>>>name appeared in the directory I am using and the usual download box
>>>>showed the file being downloaded.
>>>>Is that the way the download should go? Or did I do something wrong?
>>>You need to follow Tom's instructions to force a binary download.
>>>That said, you should check the SCOUG CDs. DSK files need to be unpacked
>>>and so on. I'm pretty sure it has copies of the TCP/IP FPs already
>>>unpacked and ready to go. If not the Indelible Blue WarpUp CD does, if
>>>you have one.
>>>More later after real work subsides.
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