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If you are responding to someone asking for help who
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Perhaps someone on this list can advise his experience and point me in
the right direction. I have a simple b/w image to which I want to add
parallel skewed lines. I believe I need to create a skewed line on a
different layer, clone it, position correctly, and then impose on the
underlying b/w image.
However in Photoshop 3 I cannot for some reason add layers to a b/w
image. Even if I convert b/w to grayscale, it fails.
The only other two image programs I have are Embellish and PMView.
Neither has layers nor a capability (as far as I can see) to clone
an image or draw skewed lines.
I'd be much obliged for pointers what tool I might use either OS/2 or
Win3x (in Win-eCS). I have heard of GIMP; will this do, and if so
what are the gotchas with this program?
Thanks for all help.
Jeffrey Race
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