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If you are responding to someone asking for help who
may not be a member of this list, be sure to use the
REPLY TO ALL feature of your email program.
Steven Levine wrote:
> Basic probability says your supposedly well hidden
> address will be exposed sooner rather than later.
This isn't all bad -- I get some good laughs from it once in a while.
Last week some spammer used my email address as the fake Sender
("From:") when he sent out his messages. One of them went to a mail
list server (one of those automatic processors that handles things like
"subscribe" and "unsubscribe"), and the list server promptly tried to
interpret every HTML command in the spam message and then sent back (to
me!) a long list of the "errors" in the spammer's "list request".
("Viagra is not a valid command" was my favorite.)
But today I got the funniest one I've ever seen from probably the
dumbest spammer on the planet. He sent out all his spam messages
through his ISP, which recognized them as spam, stripped out the actual
message, and replaced it with the single line "spam message deleted by
SMTP server". The guy's (or hacked SMTP server's) domain was .zw
wherever that is; I guess he won't be getting too many orders.
- Peter
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