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Date: | Sun, 4 Apr 2004 22:19:21 PST8PDT,4,1,0,3600,10,-1,0,7200,3600 |
From: | "Gary Granat" < > |
Reply-To: | |
To: | < "" > > |
Subject: | SCOUG-Help: ECS Registration |
Content Type: text/plain
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On Sun, 4 Apr 2004 19:52:51 PST8PDT,4,1,0,3600,10,-1,0,7200,3600, Steven Levine
>>It doesn't sound like a re-registration effort would be of much value,
>How do you know unless you try? It will take less time to try than it
>took to compose this post.
OK. I tried. The results were pretty much as I expected. First, I tried to
go through the prompts truthfully (no 1.0 license, yes 1.1 license, yes I had
registered before). It prompted me for my lost password question (just as had
happened last night when I tried to get my ID reset). I entered the required
information and was told that it was incorrect. So, I went back through the
process and lied about having previously registered. The license registration
form came up with ALL the information I had entered the first time filled in --
including the lost password question, which the site had told me was incorrect.
When I tried to submit the data again, I was told that that license was
already registered and to check to be sure I hadn't mistyped something.
>I'll be blunt. My time is valuable. I can probably assist those with
>login problems and I'm willing to help those with a positive attitude, but
>I quickly lose interest when all I hear is negativity. The choice is
I'll be equally blunt -- my time is also valuable. I appreciate your
suggestions and I'm trying to keep a positive attitude, but what I'm seeing
here is a failure to tend to business on the part of someone at Serenity
Systems. Someone is responsible for tending that web site. That means that
someone is responsible for attending to these sorts of problems. My cut on it
is that someone is falling down on the job. YMMV.
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