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Gary Granat wrote:
> I've been following the discussions on the DVD/RSJ threads with some interest.
> All seemed to go well, and I
> was able to view the contents of the "Z" drive with no problem.
This was farther than I managed to get.
> But, when I tried to finalize the session, RSJ began generating error messages
> after what I
> would judge was about half the close procedure.
This sounds consistent with some of the RSJ newsgroup messages I grabbed and
included in that Zip archive I sent to Harry. **At Best**, I think they have some
serious config / compatibility issues going on here, with much of the hardware and
various versions of various drivers. I strongly suggested to RSJ that they publish
some sort of very detailed step-by-step guide for troubleshooting and resolving
these issues, *if* there are effective solutions. Otherwise, many potential
customers will have little reason to continue purchasing their software.
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