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In , on 04/30/2005
at 10:49 AM, "Steven Levine" said:
>>I had looked at 4 different 4OS2 archives; none included the file
>>4os2.txt. But having the name of the file, I did a Google on 4os2.txt
>>and turned up 6 hits.
>Humm. My bad. I neglected to check if the free distributions included
>this file. Apparently, they do not. I'll ask Michal if we can get
>permission to distribute this with the zip file.
Did I find the right file--27 pages dated 8-95. I'm trying to make 4OS2 the default command processor. Setting up seems simple, but putting all files in place and changing PATH and DPATH in config sys don't give me a working system. Boot looks like it's going to work; startup.cmd runs in a 4OS2 window and closes, but the mouse cursor remains a clockface and ecenter and all the desktop icons never appear.
My PATH and DPATH lines are too long (over 500 characters, what to do about that?) so I moved the 4OS2 entries to the front of both lines.
Benedict G. Archer
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