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Mark Abramowitz wrote:
>>How many miles have you covered with that thing?
> Many.
> I had my son respond to an E-mail from Steven, while I was headed down the
> 5. I've downloaded drivers on the road. I downloaded and installed
> Firebird this evening while sitting in Fullerton while Robby was doing
> homework. It's great for getting directions while on the road. I've used
> it just about everywhere I've gone the last few months.
>>The whole point is
>>portability isn't it?
> It's *a* point. Speed is another. I was sitting in a parking lot with
> Edwin Black (he used to publish OS/2 Professional) the other day after he
> did a radio interview. He was on his non-EVDO laptop, and not only had a
> difficult time getting a connection, but wouldn't attempt a web page when
> connection - too slow. OTOH, I was quite happy connecting to several
> sites. IMO, if all you're going to do is E-mail, get a Blackberry or Treo
> instead.
Last year we did nine thousand miles across ten states. This year is
planned to be more than that. I am looking for maximum versatility
and no monthly fees for something that will only be used intermittently.
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