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In <>, on 01/03/05
at 10:21 AM, "Bob" <> said:
>No, I was using JAVA 131. What I have is JAVA 118 as the system default
>but normally run Polarbar with JAVA 131. I had not realized that eCS 1.2
>set JAVA 131 as the default, I think eCS 1.1 set JAVA 118 as the default.
This is probbaly true. Both v1.1.8 and v1.3.1 have been EOL'ed for years.
Sun is currently at v1.5.
>I doubt it is a driver problem, the printer is an HP990C using the OMNI
>driver. This has been working on eCS 1.0 and 1.1, only started to fail on
Are you sure you are running the same driver version on both 1.1 and 1.2?
>Using eCS 1.2 I have also tried to print with and without JAVA security,
>fails either way. I expect this is a problem with the JAVA printer
>support routines.
You can do a basic check what you are running with:
java -fullversion
On this box, I have:
[j:\tmp]java -fullversion
java.exe full version "J2RE 1.3.1 IBM build co131-20030618"
which has no problem bringing up the Polarbar print dialog.
v1.2 ships with something newer which I have not yet tested with Polarbar.
Keep in mind that the failure is in native code, so a printer driver
problem is always a possibility.
"Steven Levine" MR2/ICE 2.60b #10183 Warp4/FP15/14.100c_W4 #scoug (Wed 7pm PST)
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