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Date: Mon, 2 May 2005 19:38:35 PDT7
From: "Harry Motin" < >
To: < "" > >
Subject: SCOUG-Help: ULTRA II SCSI card

Content Type: text/plain

On Mon, 2 May 2005 11:29:59 PDT7, Ray Davison wrote:

>For you SCSI fans, is this any good?
>AHA-2940U2B AIC-7890AB 191513CC $29.95

Yes, this is an Adaptec 2940 Ultra Wide SCSI (Ultra40). It has OS/2 drivers, either from
the Adaptec website, or from IBM, or from other sources. I previously owned and used
one on my system. It is no longer the fastest SCSI.

The Ultra320 is now the fastest and there there are no OS/2 drivers for this design from
Adaptec except for Warp Server (there may be other Ultra320 controller cards with
OS/2 drivers, I don't know)

The Ultra160 is the next fastest SCSI and I use 2 drives of this type, controlled by an
Adaptec 29160 SCSI card. Needless to say there are OS/2 drivers for this card and
they work just fine. I enjoy the SCSI drives a lot. They are very fast. Mine have 10,000
RPM and fabulous seek and access times. From my point of view, when I click on an
application, it appears on my screen instanteously (well, almost). That's why I enjoy

You pay a premium price for SCSI, however, compared to ATA/IDE


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