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Steven Levine wrote:
> In <4355B66B.7000901@adelphia.net>, on 10/18/05
> at 07:58 PM, Colin Campbell said:
>>I'm kind of wondering if I shouldn't just make a "clone" of C:. I have
>>a ton of free space on the 120MB second drive that I added to the Dell.
>> It ought to be easy to boot from the clone and make sure it is good
>>before I do any updating.
> You can do it either way. You just need to use LVM to hide the original
> C: and mode the clone the active C: volume.
>>I've also been reading that some users have had fairly good experiences
>>with updating an eCS 1.2 or eCS 1.1, while others say it is more or less
>>a disaster for them.
> This is expected. The only way that this will get better is if folks
> report there experiences to the bugtracker.
>>Some people say that the updating logic has not
>>been fully worked out.
> People say lots of things without having any facts to back up their
> opinions.
Yes, I have observed this tendency.
>>It seems to me that people have been updating
>>OS/2 for a good many years; why is it so hard to get right?
> Because it is a hard problem. If you think you have a way to make it
> easy, we'd all love to see you implement it.
> Steven
I have never studied the problem. I don't have a way to make it easy,
but I will try to do a migration, and see what works and what doesn't,
and become one of the good guys who reports his findings. Who knows,
maybe I can make this a project that lasts a lifetime!
(So I guess I'd better get that clone working before I start, lest I
have a powerful system sitting there doing nothing!)
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