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Thanks for reply, Steven, but I have a set of 3 disks made, from the
makedisk menu the first position, but even booting with them and finding
th etiny timeslot to press alt/F1, I cannot access the HPFS partition. If
I do not press alt/F1, the system will proceed with installing eCS from
the CD, that I do not have for that computer (has no cd drive). I can
access the HPFS with AMOS, but only to read, but I need to write into the
config.sys. I installed a additional driver and bingo, the system stoppes
Kindly tell me, which of the 4 possible choices I have to use, to create
disks with direct acces to my hpfsdrive.
regards, Gerd
>You can use the same set of diskettes you used to install OS/2. If you
> don't have them anymore, look on the CD for makedisk.bat and
> makedisk.cmd.
> Makedisk.bat will work from real DOS or a DOS window.
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